
Approaching The Tipping Point

Many individuals and communities feel they are at a tipping point at the moment.  The question is which way will they tip? 


Largely this is a question of awareness … of the place from which we view ourselves and the world around us.  We act in response to how we see the world, to our assessment of threat and it is then a question of how we steady ourselves in the face of our concerns. Achieving a state of mindful presence is central to our development as coaches. It positions not only us but it helps to centre our clients.   We also act in response to our understanding of our choices, which in turn reflects our assessment of our own potential, and we are disconnected from our personal power and potential. When this is limited our responses are more brittle, we become reactive and often contribute to the problem.


Becoming more aware of ourselves and others, and what we need, is the antidote to frustration…. claiming our power (and responsibilities) as creators and co-creators of the future, rather than seeing ourselves as victims can lead to powerful transformation – of self and of others.


In order to shape, which way we tip, as individuals and societies, the key task facing us is lifting our level of awareness – out of fear and defensiveness – into the realm of more authentic, generative and abundant possibilities. 


At the Global Coaching Institute, our approach to fostering awareness is deeper than mindset, it is a way of being that is actively embodied: embodied intelligence.


We understand that for any of us interested in acting as a change agent in the world and working with individuals, teams, and systems in a time of radical change, the way you show up will prove critically important. The importance of working on yourself as an instrument of change cannot be underestimated.  Our programs are an avenue for doing that.


Our graduates work with leaders globally who are committed to raising awareness around important issues, leading change, influencing decisions and behaviours that shape our world, our governments, our communities, impacting organisations and individuals alike.


Our global community of coaches partner with their clients to expand their view of themselves and the world around them. We understand that the place from which we all create and co-create can bring lasting change and positive impact on our world.

To learn more about our approach to individual and systems change please join us for one of our complimentary – Introduction to Process Oriented Coaching events. For our next scheduled event please click here

If you’ve not yet learnt how to coach for emergence why not join our COACHING WITH THE EMERGE MODEL program


To find out more about GCI and our programs schedule please click here. If you have questions please Book A Call or get in touch.