
Visioning A New Future

Those who attended our last eventVisioning 2021:  A Process Oriented Approach experienced the power of connecting in a deeply embodied way with their fullest potential.  Going beyond aspiration and imagining, we worked at the essence level, to invite deep and profound transformation.

Drawing on the principles of quantum science and neuroscience, GCI coaches work with clients at the essence level to transcend notions of identity and connect the individual with their true generative potential. We collapse the seeming distance between a client’s current and desired or future selves.

When we do this, we begin to experience our future selves in the moment, building emotional, cognitive and muscle memories that accelerate the process of change.  That experience acts as a powerful anchor.

Coaching clients report that they notice the discord when they are no longer in alignment with their emergent path.  They find they are able to recalibrate as they enter and re-enter the future state, using our Ultimate Endpoint approach.

The encounter with our future self establishes a creative tension, that draws us, supporting the thoughts and behaviours aligned to that future.  Focusing on our what we are deeply committed to – and entering the experience of that commitment –  puts limiting beliefs on pause long enough for us to experience our deepest potential in the present moment.

Working at the essence level supports the falling away of those things which no longer serve us and reflects a more complete sense of all of who we are.  While on some occasions it’s important to work directly with unhelpful beliefs or patterns linked to trauma or self-sabotage, often this is not a necessary part of the client’s process. 

We train our coaches to recognise what approach will be most effective based on their energetic feedback, conscious and unconscious communication cues…. but that’s a whole other topic!

If you’d like to learn more about Process-oriented Coaching please check out our forthcoming complimentary events; or book a call to speak with a coach or member of the faculty. Contact us here for more information.