
There’s No Going Back

We are in an era where there is no going back. Attempts to do so will merely thwart and frustrate us. COVID has given us a taste for the potential of working differently – and now it’s time to integrate these lessons into practice.

The tasks for leaders and managers is three-fold:


What do these new ways of working look like?

What is different?

What will be retained and built upon?


How do we reach shared agreements?

How do we hold a diversity of views, as we strive for innovation?

How can we embrace what is new?


How do we make these changes, while ensuring robust outcomes?

What inspires our performance?

How might we encourage and challenge each other?

These are just some of the questions that leaders who adopt a coaching approach are asking – themselves, their peers and their teams. Our workforces have been pulled from pillar to post over the past year. Achieving mutual solutions, that people can really get behind and own, has never been more important. 

At a time when we remain focused on wellbeing and recovery, coaching creates a platform for people-focused change. Having a sense of influence and control goes a long way to easing the pressure people have been feeling. It enlists buy-in and discovery. 

How will you engage and harness the power of your workforce in the months and years to come?

If coaching is part of your strategy, the Global Coaching Institute’s programs specialise in leading change and innovation.

Please reach out to us if we can support you through our internationally accredited coach training programs and executive coaching services.