
The Breath-Takingly Powerful Coach

For anyone who wants to stand out in the coaching marketplace, a key question is: What differentiates a good coach and a breath-takingly powerful coach?

At the Global Coaching Institute we know there are a few important secrets to exceptional coaching.

Precision leads to Mastery

One of the characteristics that makes our graduates stand out, is the precision they bring to recognising and harnessing the forces for change in their clients’ lives.

We teach our coaches to pinpoint each client’s unique growth edge, which is the precise point of change at which we must work to achieve new attitudes, behaviours and results.  Being able to accurately identify a client’s edge and tailor one’s approach to different edges,  means that GCI coaches’ interventions are genuinely transformational and deliver a lasting and sustainable impact.

While it may look like magic, there is rigorous art and science that is applied.

Meta-Skills at The Edge

Over the years, we’ve come to understand the meta-skills, or feeling attitudes, needed to work with someone at that fulcrum of change.   Our students learn to adopt the different meta-skills required at different sorts of edges, reflecting precisely the client’s style and growth trajectory. Knowing when to take a tough-accountability-oriented focus and when to adopt a gentle and nurturing tone becomes clear when coaches understand a client’s unfolding process.

The coach’s use of meta-skills holds the client in the coaching relationship and models the potential that lies just beyond reach. The coach’s  ease and adaptability, when the client encounters an edge, says: “it’s ok to go there.”

Well-honed meta-skills bring lightness and momentum to the coaching session. They help clients become unstuck.

The Coach’s Own Inner Agility

For a coach to work this way requires a level of inner agility. We must be able to recognise and traverse our own edges.

That’s why we at the Global Coaching Institute focus so intently on the personal inner development of the coach.

The question of what makes a great coach should engage the profession for decades to come. In the act of searching with curiosity, we make fresh discoveries and grow as practitioners.

The Global Coaching Institute is passionate about coach development and fostering precision and mastery in our coaches. If you’d like to know more please connect with us.