
What is Valuable in What’s Happening Now?

Hi folks 

Energy flows where attention goes. It’s a well known adage. 

So bear with me, as I invite you to lift your eyes from the disruption and drama that’s attendant to deep transformation.  (Let’s be honest, our media is saturated in it).

At the Global Coaching Institute we adopt a transformational and process-oriented coaching approach, that explores the deeper processes of change.  We look beyond the surface problems to understand what is being birthed, and what might emerge.

We even ask radical and counter-intuitive questions like:  What might be valuable in what’s happening now?  An enquiry of this kind jolts us out of our rhetoric and habitual ways of thinking.  It forces us to become curious and to pay attention. 

So let’s consider the potential that might be found in the really disturbing events playing out in the world right now.   And I say that I want to acknowledge those who have experienced the pain of living under dictatorships, and whose suffering has gone unnoticed and uncommented on.  (and for many outright pain) many are going through right now.  

As things fall away, we discover what really matters.  We are not so reliant on the identities we once clung too. All that worry about superficial stuff is seen for what it is.

Faced with adversity we get back to the fundamentals.  We rediscover our core values.   We recognise distractions and compensatory behaviour for what they are. How many people do you know who are actively re-evaluating their lifestyles and realising they don’t need so much stuff, right now?

As we become more raw, we have opportunities to face ourselves, to go beyond who we thought we needed to be, in order to be loved, secure and belong.  We are released from roles that have held us for too long.  We create room in our lives for new adventures, learning and growth. 

And if that means feeling vulnerable on occasions, its likely to lead to more honest and authentic conversations, to finding support and care in the most unexpected places.  And that’s how community is born.  

For as much as the waves of transformation are felt in our individual lives, we are going through profound change together.  We are not alone in this process of disruption, sense making and change.  We are collectively dealing with practical and psychological impacts of disturbances and discovering our place and the contribution we can make.  The two things are happening at the same time.  That’s the nature of transformation!!

As a coach it is my absolute pleasure to walk with people in these times. Together we discover a narrative of deep transformation that goes beyond reactivity.  In these times, as in any of those bone-rattlingly confronting times in life, we have the chance to discover our power and to individually and collectively shape the present and the future. 

If you feel yourself embarking on the journey big time this year,  consider joining our coaching community.  You will be deeply supported to connect with your own transformational process and learn the new and dynamic skills that are needed to navigate the change.  

With love