Level 1 Pathway
Become an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
Offer your clients the assurance of internationally certified training.
An integrated offering that bundles 60 hours of coach training, and a further seven hours group-based and three hours individual mentor-coaching and your final Level 1 coaching performance evaluation.
This program meets all training requirements needed to apply for certification as an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC).
This pathway includes:
- Module 101: Coaching With The E1ME2RGE3 Model™
- Module 102: The GCI Coaching & Transformation RoadmapTM
- Mentor coaching:
- Coaching Performance Evaluation
- What you'll learn
Module 101: E1ME2RGE3 Model™ comprises 28 hours coach training. The key focus of this program is coaching the individual. Drawing on depth psychology you will explore key drivers of behaviour and the dynamics of identity to support new insights, learning and growth.
Module 102: The GCI Coaching & Transformation Roadmap™ comprises 32 hours coach training. We expand our focus to coaching individuals in the situational context of their unique team and organisational cultures. Building on your knowledge of the E1ME2RGE3 Model™ you will learn to coach issues that involve greater complexity, engaging multiple lenses to reveal and address intrapersonal, interpersonal and systemic dynamics.
Offering powerful insights into change and transformation dynamics this program equips you to work with disruptive as well as aspirational forces. It builds a refined capacity to pinpoint and coach at the ‘edge’ or precipice of change and emergent potential.
Mentor coaching classes held over three months, focus on the ICF Core Coaching Competencies preparing coaches to complete their ICF performance coaching assessment. The virtual sessions are fun, interactive and informative comprising a review of core competencies and ‘live’ coaching sessions with direct feedback and discussion. All sessions are facilitated by an ICF MCC or PCC accredited coach.
The Coaching Performance Evaluation is undertaken live or via a recorded coaching session. It’s an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate that they meet the coaching criteria required for ACC certification. Candidates report that being evaluated by people they know, minimise nerves and performance anxiety. As an ICF accredited Level 1 training provider, GCI conducts all performance evaluations in-house.
- Pricing
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- Certification
60 Hours Accredited Coach Training
ICF Pathways
Level 1 Pathway
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
On completion of Modules 101 & 102, you will have met the ICF requirement of 60 coach specific training hours required for the ACC credential. You can elect to undertake Mentor-Coaching and the ACC Coaching Performance Assessment, with our Level 1 package.
Level 2 Pathway
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Alternatively many students prefer to continue their coaching studies with Module 103: Coaching Untapped Potential. Along with advanced theory and supervised practice this all-inclusive package incorporates Mentor-Coaching and the option to be examined at ACC or the higher PCC level.
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