
Process Oriented Coaching (Live Intensive Only)

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    Intensives & Live Classes

Module 103 Workshop is a deep dive into the world of Process-Oriented coaching and will truly ignite your personal and professional development as you step into the identity of a professional coach and begin to explore your coaching passions and niche.

Building on your knowledge of individual performance and change (Module 1), and insight into organisational systems (Module 2), you will sharpen your systemic lens as your begin to explore the impact of power and rank dynamics within organisations and communities. You will learn to coach with an awareness of social dynamics such as racism and gender inequity, which dramatically impact identity, performance and wellbeing.

Your coaching acuity and agility will be refined through an understanding of signals – conscious and unconscious communication cues that indicate precise and powerful ways of working with your clients’ emergent potential.

Module 3 incorporates an intensive focus on coaching supervision, dramatically expanding your self-awareness, repertoire of coaching interventions and use of coaching metaskills.

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Workshop Component Only
Rho Sandberg
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We are pioneers at the global frontiers of coaching. We combine the power of process work, organisational development, and change management into unique, accredited coach training.

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