
Advanced Teams & Systems

Advanced Coaching Skills

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    Intensives & Live Classes

Coaching Teams & Systems introduces a process-oriented approach to coaching leaders and their teams. Going beyond formulaic approaches to team building, this program offers methods and actionable tools suited to the dynamic environments that modern teams and collaborative alliances now negotiate. Only when we encompass this complexity, can we achieve sustainable team and system outcomes.

Learn dynamic ways to create aligned team visions and purpose. Reveal and re-examine shared belief systems, habits and resistance in order to cultivate shared insights. Foster the attitudes and collaboration essential to achieving dynamic transformation in VUCA – Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous environments.

Learn to map and bring awareness to hidden systemic influences operating on individuals and teams, as they take up their roles and relate with each other in the rapidly changing world around them.

Coaching Teams & Systems builds concepts and skills introduced in our pre-requisite Coaching Partnerships program.

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Rho Sandberg
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We are pioneers at the global frontiers of coaching. We combine the power of process work, organisational development, and change management into unique, accredited coach training.

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Sheila Belanger
“To me, GCI starts where others stop.”
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