
There’s No Going Back

We are in an era where there is no going back. Attempts to do so will merely thwart and frustrate us. COVID has given us a taste for the potential of working differently – and now it’s time to integrate these lessons into practice. The tasks for leaders and managers is three-fold: UNDERSTANDING What do […]

To Cultivate Trust And Safety In Coaching We Need To Acknowledge Racism

At GCI we believe that if the coaching profession is to truly embrace what it means to create trust and safety with our clients, we need to move beyond generic approaches to demonstrating respect and non-judgment.  While these practices are important, they don’t address the distinct challenges faced by the global majority.    As a […]

Five Signs You’re Coaching As A Change Agent

Are you coaching as a dynamic change agent with your clients, or marking time? There are five signs, we’ve come to recognise in coaches who are powerful change agents. 1. Being Awake To The Deep Vision Change agents help others connect with their deepest visions. They hold a space for people to believe in and […]

Coaching with Precision in a Time-Poor World

Having coaching precision allows one to work with speed.  And if there’s one thing that most organisational leaders are short on these days its time. It’s not that you want to push clients to results, it’s just that you don’t want to waste time coaching toward dead-ends. Here are three essential practices for coaching with […]

Coaching The DNA of Organisations

Edgar Schein, author of the ground-breaking text ‘Organisational Culture and Leadership’ is fondly known as the grandfather of organisational development. Over the years Schein began to think and speak in terms of the DNA of an organisation, or its cultural genome. He argued that we can’t simply transplant notions of how to improve culture from […]

The Drive to Become a Coach: A Personal Story

Lately Vicki and I have had requests to share more about how we entered the world of coaching. Here’s the path I took, and Vicki’s story will follow shortly. My own trajectory into coaching began as an occupational therapist specialising in psychological injury in the workplace. You could say fate positioned me at the intersection […]

Process-Oriented Coaching

As coaches we are consistently called to debunk the trap of being an expert.  Of course being an expert is seductive; it strokes our egos. But we are called to put our egos and expertise aside.  We are here to honor our clients’ inherent wisdom, as it’s revealed through their emerging process; a dynamic, changing and shifting event. […]

Being Our Role Models

Who are your role models? What do you love most about them? How have they inspired you? One of my role models is my former high school principal, John Tindley, an approachable and progressive leader who was out and about in the school yard chatting with us on a regular basis.  However, what comes to […]

Taking Coaching to the Streets

Since the Women’s Marches in cities across the USA and around the world I have been heartened and inspired by all the women and men taking to the streets to advocate for their vision of a just and inclusive world.  The images on social media brought me to tears.  The spirit and resilience of those […]

Seven Reasons Therapists Move Into Coaching

Lately we’ve had many therapists join our programs. They already have a well-developed skill set, which they want to transition into the world of coaching. The therapists joining the Global Coaching Institute bring acute insights and contagious passion to their new profession. Given that I used to be a therapist, I’m curious why so many […]

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