
Courage To Vision The New Year

Courage To Vision The New Year

With the New Year upon us, it’s a wonderful time to step out of the business of our lives, reflect on the year to come and ask what is really important to us.

Our ordinary lives develop momentum. The unfolding of each day and week is the result of the decisions we made last week, last month and even last year. Now that’s great, provided we take time to reflect on what we’ve created and ask ourselves if the reality is what we want.

We forget that it’s not just visioning, but consistently re-visioning that’s important.

When I take a look in the rearview mirror, I realise that I need to become more discerning, to make time for pursuing those passions and commitments that are most heartfelt that will require learning to say no to those things which no longer serve me.


The Traps of Superficial Goal-Setting

The idea of setting goals for ourselves in the New Year is certainly not new. And as many people will tell you its not always effective. While goal setting can be helpful, it tends to be instrumental: focused on what a person will do or have. If undertaken superficially, goal setting is unlikely to result in a significant transformation in your life.

Instead we need to ask ourselves where many of our goals come from…

A continuous tide of consumerism assaults us daily. So many messages bombard us about what creates happiness, that we can run ourselves into the ground in pursuit of fool’s gold. Finding ourselves exhausted and unsatisfied we set even more superficial goals and wonder why we feel depressed and unfulfilled.

In order to create authentic and deeply fulfilling lives, we need to tune out this white noise and connect with a deeper wisdom within ourselves.


Connecting to Your Deepest Vision

At the Global Coaching Institute we prefer a deep visioning that starts with who and how you want to be in the world. We believe that only when you are deeply connected to that, can you trust the plans and actions that follow.

Deep visioning assumes that deep within ourselves is a knowing about the right path for our lives. It is also based on an understanding that what calls us, can be realized.

Not quite believing these things results in what Robert Fritz describes as settling for what we think we can or should have instead. This is the path of compromise.

Our deepest visions are not only possible, but greatly needed in today’s world.

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